Smart Menu
The Smart Menu gives you an overview of all elements you can build or integrate within your presentation.
What is the Smart Menu?​
Besides classical elements (like shapes or text boxes) and the Smart blocks, Ludus offers you the possibility to integrate many external contents, as a way to make your presentations more dynamic and gather the best of the web in one place.
Where do I access it?​
At the end of your left menu, you'll find a blue button with a magnifying glass. You can either just click on this button or you can use your TAB key (⇥) to access it directly.
What can I do with it?​
Access our ever-increasing list of integrations by either directly typing in the search bar for a specific integration or by exploring the different categories: texts, shapes, images, videos, design & 3D, Misc and Smart blocks.
Note: You can directly search for a specific Smart block in the search bar.
Thanks to the Smart Menu, you can easily integrate:
Interactive prototypes via Invision,, Marvel, Framer and Figma;
Images and icons via Unsplash, Iconscout, Icons8 and The Noun Project
Images from Flickr, Instagram;
GIFs via GIPHY; _(directly accessible in the Smart Menu, no need to go on its website)
Videos via [Youtube, Vimeo, Streamable, Wistia, CloudApp](../objects/images and videos/edit-video);
Animations via Lottie;
Code via CodePen or the code editor;
Music via Soundcloud;
Tables via Airtable;
[Google Street View or Google Maps](../../../integrations/google maps)
Your Smart block(s) by searching them directly in the search bar or accessing the Smart blocks category;
Websites or any other external contents such as Google spreadsheets via iframe.